Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why a self-respecting person will not say Jai Shri Ram?

By Dr. Aslam Abdullah
Among the ruling elites of India comprising mainly people of the so-called upper castes is the growing notion that India is meant to be ruled only by people approved by them or from amongst them. They believe as propagated by the Hindu nationalist organization the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh (RSS) that Christians, Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, and even pagans were forced to renounce Hinduism and renounce their belief in the supremacy of Hinduism and Rama and Krishna, the two deities whose origin and existence is part of the Hindu folklore.  Since non-Hindu religious minorities were forcibly converted, hence, it is the obligation of upper castes to bring them back to Hinduism and make them pronounce the glory of Ram and Krishna.
With 30 percent of Indians belonging to non-Hindu religious minorities and some 50 percent coming from the castes described lower castes and tribes described scheduled, the task of reconversion is a monumental task. But this is the task that the RSS and its affiliated groups have given a priority.
I am an Indian by birth and I was born in a Muslim family. I have no reason to believe that my forefathers came from Arabia or Central Asia. I have no hesitation in accepting the Hindu heritage of my forefathers. I am not aware if they were forcibly converted from Hinduism to Islam. But what I can say is that I validate their conversion and admire them for believing in Islam and passing on to their generations till i was born. Now it is my obligation to live their legacy and commitment and pass it on to my next generations.
I admire them for their decision to accept Islam because that was the only avenue available in India in those dark ages to live as dignified human beings. As members of non-upper castes, I am sure, many of the peers of my forefathers were living the miserable life like the people designated as lower castes by Hindu religions. They were living outside the pale of human civilization. They had no dignity. Their job was to serve the upper castes in every possible way. Their women were like sexual objects for their men. They were not allowed to protest if their daughter or wives or mothers or sisters were raped. They were not allowed to even visit the areas of the upper caste unless they have to remove their feces and dirt. They were not allowed to drink water from their wells. They were not even allowed to visit the temples to pray to deities. In fact, the tradition of killing a low caste person for reading the holy scripture set by Rama was there to perpetuate the religiously sanctioned in humanity. Manu Smiriti, the book that degrades lower castes, was the law of the day.
In this inhuman and choking condition, Islam came with its ideals of equality, humanity, and prosperity. It told people that human beings are equal and people cannot be termed as low and high based on their birth. People achieve a higher status in the eyes of God because of their good deeds and upright character. It told them that women are not the property of anyone. They have an independent identity and are equally responsible for their action and life. It told them that religious institutions are not to be monopolized by people claiming to be upper castes. It told them in the eyes of God all are his creation and no one is to be deprived of his or her dignity because of his or her birth. It challenged the false notion propagated by the upper caste Hindus that menial jobs are to be performed only by the lower caste. It demolished the idea that birth status has anything to do with the nature of work people choose to do in life. It liberated them from the injustices their forefathers had lived for thousands of years in the name of God and his message.
It was the right decision of my forefathers to abandon a faith that divided human being into low and high based on their birth. I have no hesitation to admit that over the years, many of my forefathers succumbed to the menace of Hindu hierarchy and they created the false divisions of Ashraf and Azlal. They promoted discrimination on the basis of their birth. They went against the decisions and intentions of their forefathers. 
My forefathers did not accept Islam to prove their superiority over others. They accepted Islam because they wanted equality, respect and dignity, and upper mobility in life in every sphere even in religious matters.
So the upper castes have no right to question me or my forefathers. Because we believe that by accepting Islam, we strengthened India as a country that stands for equality, justice, and humanity, something that Hinduism, as promoted by those who shout Jai Sri Ram, cannot offer. The very fact that religious minorities are being forced to say Jai Sri Ram is itself a proof of the intolerance and hatred such groups show to God and humanity.
I am glad that my forefathers did not accept Ram as a glorified one because of his killing of a lower caste as reported in Ramayana. I am glad they renounced Hinduism. I am glad, that they used their conscientious to liberate them from the bondage of upper castes. I hail their decision and I stand by them. I will never say Jai Shri Ram and I will proudly declare that my forefathers did the right thing to challenge the upper caste hegemony on God.
I believe that I am not alone in my assertions. Muslims of India in general support this position. There are millions and millions who reject Hinduism because of its castes and disrespect to human beings who do not belong to the upper castes. 


  1. In South India, Hindus do not believe in Ram. In India West, Indian newspaper in California, wrote several years ago that the South Indians place a garland of shoes around the neck of the statue of Ram during the Hindu festival Dassera. In May 2019, and June 2019, the West Bengal government did not allow the followers of RSS and BJP to hold victory rallies and shout jaisriram. Bengali Hindus believe in Lord Kaali. In May 2019, South Indian actor, Kamala Hassan said that the first Hindu terrorist of FREE India is Godse, the killer of Gadhi. BJP and Modi adore him. Even Hindus are against saying Sri Jai Ram. Yes,millions and millions are rejecting Hinduism. Hindus say , we do not proselytize, yet they terrorize other Indians and say that you are a Hindu. They say the same thing about Muslims. The followers of Hindutva - RSS, BJP, Bajrand Dal , Vicious Hindu Parishad are TERRORAAZIS - those who terrorize others for political gains.

  2. The intelligent people would never accept human gods, and would never play bands of Jai shri Ram. As an ex-Ismaili I played lots of bands of human god Agakhan who lied and cheated us. He gave us Hindu-Ismailism cult yet ordered us to use the fake ID of Islam and fake ID of Shia Muslim. Ismailis are practicing Hindu religion, yet on surface pretending to be Muslims. Their main agenda to eliminate Islam from this earth, and make the fake Imam Agakhan an atheist ruler of the world -as Imam e Zaman. He is proven Dajjaal for cheating the innocent people and looting their Blood money selling Hindu rituals including selling tickets to enter Paradise.
    Agakhan claims to be the 10th incarnation of Krishna Bhagwan. Such a major fraud.

  3. How can a Hindoo even consider Rama as a God or a Prophet or a Messenger or a Seer

    Rama told Sita to whore herself- this is in the Valmiki Ramayana.dindooohindoo

    Chapter [Sarga] 115

    तद्गच्छ त्वानुजानेऽद्य यथेष्टं जनकात्मजे |
    एता दश दिशो भद्रे कार्यमस्ति न मे त्वया || ६-११५-१८

    “O Seetha! That is why, I am permitting you now. Go wherever you like. All these ten directions are open to you, my dear lady! There is no work to be done to me, by you.”

    तदद्य व्याहृतं भद्रे मयैतत् कृतबुद्धिना |
    लक्ष्मणे वाथ भरते कुरु बुद्धिं यथासुखम् || ६-११५-२२

    “O gracious lady! Therefore, this has been spoken by me today, with a resolved mind. Set you mind on Lakshmana or Bharata, as per your ease.”

    įatrughne vätha sugréve räkņase vä vibhéņaëe |
    niveįaya manaų séte yathä vä sukhamätmanaų || 6-115-23

    “O Seetha! Otherwise, set your mind either on Shatrughna or on Sugreeva or on Vibhishana the demon; or according to your own comfort.”

  4. How can a Hindu even consider Rama as a God or a Prophet or a Messenger or a Seer

    Sita called Rama an Impotent Pansy.dindooohindoo

    Book II : Ayodhya Kanda – Book Of Ayodhya Chapter[Sarga] 30

    किम् त्वा अमन्यत वैदेहः पिता मे मिथिला अधिपः | राम जामातरम् प्राप्य स्त्रियम् पुरुष विग्रहम् || २-३०-३

    “What my father, the king of Mithila belonging to the country of Videha, think of himself having got as so-in-law you, a woman having the form of a man?”

    अनृतम् बल लोको अयम् अज्ञानात् यद्द् हि वक्ष्यति | तेजो न अस्ति परम् रामे तपति इव दिवा करे || २-३०-४

  5. How can a Hindoo even consider Rama as a God or a Prophet or a Messenger or a Seer

    Rama killed a Sudra to save the son of a Brahmin ! Also because the Sudra was studying the Vedas.dindooohindoo

    Book 7, the ‘Uttarakanda’ [Final Chapter], sargas 73-76, in the Adhyatma Ramayana version of Ramayana.

    When Rama is reigning as a virtuous king, a humble aged Brahmin comes to him, weeping, with his dead son in his arms. He says that Rama must have committed some sin, or else his son would not have died.

    (74) The sage Narada explains to Rama that a Shudra is practicing penances, and this is the cause of the child’s death.

    (75) Rama goes on a tour of inspection in his flying chariot, and finds an ascetic doing austerities, and asks who he is. ”

    (76) Hearing the [inquiring] words of Rama of imperishable exploits, that ascetic, his head still hanging downwards [as part of his austerities] answered:— ‘O Rama, I was born of a Shudra alliance and I am performing this rigorous penance in order to Conquer the heavens with this body. Lord Rama killed him due to his bad intentions and there by giving Shambuka his Moksha.

  6. How can a Hindoo even consider Rama as a God or a Prophet or a Messenger or a Seer

    Rama;s mother had sex with a Horse ! dindooohindoo

    Book I : Bala Kanda – The Youthful Majesties

    Chapter [Sarga] 14
    Queen Kausalya desiring the results of ritual disconcertedly resided one night with that horse that flew away like a bird. [1-14-34]

  7. Was Rama a Gay Monkey dindooohindo ?

    Book VI : Yuddha Kanda – Book Of War

    Chapter [Sarga] 128

    आजानुलम्बिबाहुश्च महास्कन्धः प्रतापवान् |
    लक्ष्मणानुचरो रामः पृथिवीमन्वपालयत् || ६-१२८-९७

    That Rama, having his long arms reaching down his knees, having a broad chest and glorious, ruled this earth with Lakshmana as his companion.

    No humans has arms reaching to the knees ! Is Rama an Ape ?

    Rama ruled for 10000 years with Lakshmana – as HIS COMPANION ? What about Seeta Maiya ? What do have here ? A Gay Monkey !
    Rama spent 12 years with Lakshmana and Apes, with no sex with a woman – so he became Gay –so what – it is all evolution !
    As per Ramayana – Rama ruled happily ever after for 1000 years, with Lakshmana by his side (not Seeta) – it is all the Gay Thing (although Uttarakandam says that Rama and Seeta made merry for 10000 years – as miya bibi – but that was to neuter the Gay Theory of the Valmiki Ramayana)
    Also, the Ramayana says that Rama had hands till his knees, and that explains his love and fondness for all apes and monkeys
    Rama the Limpdick spent 12 years with Lakshmana, in a jungle, with no sex – and was sexually frustrated , and then Vali was banging his brother’s wife – and so, Rama the Limpdick killed Vali – it is all OK La !
