Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Victory of  Muslim Brotherhood: Welcome to the World of Machiavelli

by Dr. Aslam Abdullah
Politics is an art of survival in a world of deceptions. It is a game to consolidate, bolster and retain power at any cost. It is a game to achieve absolute control over everything and it is a game, to maximize gains for oneself, one’s party or faction. This is how it is played. This is how the father of modern political science defined the role of a ruler when he said; the methodical exercise of brute force, deceit, etc. is needed to seize and retain power.  The following incident explains the way politics is run in our world today regardless.
The duke of Sforza had just died, and rebels in the Compagna of Italy rose up under the widowed duchess, Caterina Sforza. The war lasted for several months. Common people starved, and entire villages burned down during the ruinous warfare. Machiavelli advised Cesare Borgia thus,
"My Prince, I advise you to treat with Caterina Sforza under a white flag. Her troops are too strongly crenelated in the fortress, and it will take months to root the rebels out. For every day we fight, more of your loyal troops are slaughtered, more of your best citizens have property damaged or destroyed, and the crops go unharvested and children starve. The battle must be ended. Therefore, my advice is this. Treat with Caterina Sforza under a white flag and under the pretense of peace. Then seize her and take her captive. Once she is captive, strip her of her fine garments and place in her in an iron cage to parade her in front of the rebel troops, and rape her before their eyes before you kill her. The enemy forces will know their leader is captured and humiliated and the magnitude of this deed will so horrify them that they will flee from battle and fear and never raise arms against you again." Cesare Borgia supposedly did so.
Now an organization that claims to follow a higher authority in all matters of life including politics is in power in Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood is the democratically elected party whose representative will rule Egypt. How far he will be able to follow those divine guidelines to deal with friends and foes will not only determine the future of the party but will also define Islam and its place in the modern world.
Will politics be the same as suggested Guru Machiavelli or will be run on the basis of the divine guidance of fairness, justice, honesty, integrity, transparency, and truthfulness? Will Egypt continue to be dependent on the dictates of some of the most invisible financial powers of the world or will it charter a course of economic independence by developing an economy that will bring its people prosperity.
Islam reminds the governed and the rulers that untruthfulness, rashness, guile, irrationality, avarice, dishonesty, and cruelty are crimes against humanity.
Islam reminds the rulers that without having the company of those who are capable, honest and committed they would not be able to govern properly.
Thus Islam reminds the rulers that:
A. Commitment to a disciplined and principled life  is at the root of a stable  society,
B. The increasing wealth of people is not a sin as it is essential for the welfare of people,
C. The good governance of the state must result in an increase in wealth,
D. Overcoming one’s ego and demonstrating self control are the roots of the stability of the government,
E. Humility alone will enable one to control oneself,
F. Recognizing the capable and efficient people regardless of their identity will also increase humility,

G. True Knowledge or wisdom results from serving the people not ruling them,
H. Economic disparity ultimately leads to the weakening of the state,
I. Discrimination against people based on their religion or gender is a disastrous sin whose ill effects become known quickly,
J. Justice is the foundation of a mature society,
K. Right means are needed to achieve the right goals.
In order to achieve these goals, Islam takes a stand against all unethical and immoral practices. 
Let us see how an Islamic party responds to the challenges of the modern state. In the past, many of those who ruled in the name of Islam did not show much respect for Islamic values. Even though they called them Caliphs, But with the exception of the four early Caliphs and Caliph Abdul Aziz, not many can be identified as symbols of integrity and honesty. After Tunisia, Egypt is the second country where people have voted an Islamic party in. Now it is up to the Muslim Brotherhood to prove that Islam is a life-affirming, progress supporting, justice maintaining and human rights, preserving faith, that Islam is a non coercive religion, that it respects the religious freedom of others and that it does not discriminate people on the basis of their gender as it allows its citizens to feel safe physically, economically and spiritually to assert their humanity in a manner that does not threaten the existence of others. 
Let us hope that those who want to govern in the name of Islam would create a better image of Islam through their compassionate and just governance. Let history not repeat itself, let history take a new course in Egypt, a course that would put principles over expediency.

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